Tuesday, November 20, 2018

U.S. History

Remember to check in on assignments submitted to Google Classroom to see scores and feedback there, on the assignment as well as to see if you've received a message for revision that's needed before it can be scored.  To make this easiest on you, download the free Google Classroom app on your phone and when given the choice, select to receive notifications -- this will give you an alert on your phone whenever a teacher returns work to you.  2nd hour had class time to go in and see the scores and/or feedback on their Revolution Research.  (5th hour did this yesterday.)  We finished adding CQs while viewing the rest of the "Gold Rush" episode of 10 Days that Unexpectedly Changed America.  We set up our new E.Q. page -- "Civil War Era E.Q." with the question "What was significant (important) about the Civil War era?"  Then we viewed the first two of five videos of the "Antietam" episode of 10 Days... while adding both E.Q. notes and C.Q. questions.  We'll view the last 3 segments in class on Monday and then pull out to the big picture of the unit.