Friday, September 7, 2018

U.S. History

2nd hour receive their map, and we labeled and discussed via SMART Board.  In both hours we made a list on the back of the map of the Native American case study cultures that the students will encounter in this unit, indicating which were in New England (the northeast) and which was in the Jamestown, VA location.  We added a note of specific example about the Aztecs onto the back of the "Pre-Contact Native Cultures" sheet to demonstrate a bit further evidence as to why "Guns, Germs, & Steel" is causation for European conquest as opposed to any inherent superiority.  On the front we made a note next to "Agri-cultures" that the Pequot were an example of an Ag.  We then began reading and taking E.Q. notes (and C.Q. questions) from select excerpts from Loewen's Chapter 2 -- to be continued in class on Monday.