Tuesday, September 11, 2018

U.S. History

Students finished their note-taking from the packet of excerpts from Loewen's Chapter 2.  We added notes about Jamestown onto the back of our map handout.  We read aloud together a short article that features a primary source letter from Jamestown and collaborated in our small groups to add EQ-relevant notes from that letter onto our EQ page, specifying that it is from the "Jamestown Letter."  In 5th hour we also read aloud an excerpt from David Price's essay about Pocahontas' impressions of London, making notes onto our EQ page that make clear this is information about London, England that helps depict the culture that was coming on the ships to colonize.  In 5th we also discussed the handout "1607 - 1776" about the duration and diversity of the colonial era and cultures.  Finally, in 5th hour we added a label on the map about Williamsburg and a few Williamsburg notes onto the back of that map page....some late-colonial Williamsburg vodcasts to be viewed in class tomorrow...