Tuesday, September 4, 2018

U.S. History

We finished and discussed #2 in the "Big Ideas" section of the Unit-Closure Work page.  We then set up our Essential Question and Curiosity Questions pages (on paper, not on Chromebooks) for our first big unit "Exploration and Colonization."  If you were absent, see a reliable classmate for the set up headings, the E.Q. and the clarifying notes for the E.Q.  I provided a cheat sheet handout "Pre-contact Native Peoples Preview/Review" and we discussed what "pre-contact" means and made clear that all three culture types on that sheet were found in the Americas.  On the back side, set up this question -- "Why did Europeans take over the Americas?"  In 5th hour small groups collaborated to build a list of answers -- to be done in 2nd hour tomorrow and to be discussed whole-class style tomorrow in both hours.