Monday, May 21, 2018

World History

Final exam study guides were provided and time given to ask questions as well as to mark in agenda books and/or phones reminders to begin preparations for the test.  The two class days of test prep (next Wed. and Thurs.) are for clean-up round review and will not be enough study time on their own.  Skills re-do work is due by this Friday at the very latest; start coming in today during Advisory if you have signed up to do a Reading or A/V C&L or a Context & Lens skill.  Research repair and Socratic Replacement work can be done on your own.  The writing option is due Tuesday.  Finish note-taking on "Egalite for All" video (from ~37:00 to the end).  Check out the handout timeline and see a reliable classmate for the thesis discussion and other follow-up notes re "Ayiti," political turmoil in Haiti, and the critical difference between Toussaint and G.Washington.  Check out "The French Revolution" outline notes page and spelling aid sheet -- use these for note-taking on the first 11 minutes of the video.