Monday, January 8, 2018

Jan 3rd -- World History --posted out of order

Finish viewing the Olmec video while recording notes on the provided note page with some of the Urban culture trends.  Then, use those notes (and feel free to collaborate!) to add EQ notes specific to the Olmec...using the 2 columns on the EQ page (2-5 examples under each column and insert a subheading "Olmec" at the top of those notes to make clear which culture, as we'll have 6 on the EQ page before we're done).  The final exam study guide was provided and discussed.  Note that we'll focus on more Urban studies work on Friday and Monday and will have in-class study time for the exam only on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week -- you need to use this study guide to do test prep in Advisory and at home, as well.  Get started!  ; )  (Tomorrow all sophomores will take the ASVAB test all morning.)