Thursday, November 2, 2017

World History

In 4th hour scores from the Socratic discussion were distributed.  In 7th hour we finished the discussion and I did some content clarification as follow-up.  In all classes we began preparing to write -- in Google Classroom, About section, in the Writing Cheats area, open and take a good look at the "Highlighted winter sample paragraph" for a nice visual of what the structure of an argumentative paragraph should look like, and read through it to see that it's not complicated nor creative, simply clear, AND notice the evidence body of the paragraph is full of very specific details.  Then, first step for your writing is to spend a nice, long time reading through your E.Q. notes (yes, all of them) for #2 (EQ#2) and complete the document "Prepping to Write."  Only AFTER you have confidently finished the previous prep work (getting help from Mrs. C as needed), THEN go through your E.Q. notes and color code each piece of evidence to match each of the 2, 3, or 4 themes on your Prepping to Write page.  More guidance for next steps tomorrow...