Tuesday, November 7, 2017

U.S. History

EQ paragraphs (colonialism) were returned with scores, feedback, and discussion.  Time was given for one-on-one dialogues about the writing.  Chart your score on your Skills Tracking Page and add notes to your "Writing Notes to Self" based on the feedback you received on this work.  In hours 3 & 6 we viewed the Hamilton teaser via the White House poetry slam while the musical was just a work in progress.  In all hours some EQ notes (#2) and CQ questions were recorded via a context & lens slideshow I presented.  The focus item for our Hamilton listening journey was distributed -- a note page; please connect with a reliable classmate for adding the select dates in the left margin and to copy the sample notes I provided for songs #7 & 23 (Act I) to show the range of how many or few notes different songs dictate.  Now, begin the listening and note-taking having as aids the map (from yesterday), The Founders packet (pages 2 & 3), and the visual slides...TODAY 3rd hour got through just song #1, 5th hour through song #3, and 6th hour through song #2.  (Recall that I mentioned there is some salty language and behavior in this depiction of events in these folks' lives; not necessarily for the ears of young siblings.)