Friday, November 3, 2017

U.S. History

Complete the Exit Slip in Google Classroom and submit it.  Finish reading and note-taking onto EQ#2 from the "Unruly Americans" article.  I read aloud a few clarifying facts about the Electoral College about which some students might then choose to do some further CQ -- see me for the info and consider then recording some CQs about it.  We discussed what remains for this unit of study as motivation for remaining focused and to have a sense of what details are left before wrapping up with the typical end-of-unit skills for scores.  (We'll use Hamilton, the musical, as a source for exploring this era's big ideas with much in the way of support activities and tools from Mrs. Cluver, we'll do an analytical reading about the separation of Church & State, and we'll explore the Trail of Tears...)  A timeline of the Revolutionary Era was provided.  In 6th hour students began reading through it carefully and noting possible CQs onto their CQ pages -- to be finished in class Monday.  3rd hour will begin that reading/CQ work Monday.