Wednesday, September 27, 2017

World History

In 7th hour we finished adding notes to our "Outline of Popular Details" with much discussion.  Add 3-5 Communal cultures from that outline to your C.Q. page as research options for later (except Native Australians or Yanomamo, as we'll study them in class as required case studies).  In all hours we added Hunting & Gathering notes onto the back of that Outline handout with much discussion.  (See a reliable classmate.)  We then began screening segments of the film Rabbit-Proof Fence while working on an analysis work page; view up until ~14:00.  (It is available to rent on YouTube for $1.99, however, you may be able to find the segment you missed if absent on YouTube for free or on Netflix.  You can also come in during Advisory to watch the piece from the DVD that you need.) The film will be continued in class tomorrow.