Monday, September 11, 2017

U.S. History

We did a review game in teams over the Unit-Closure Work Packet for our Intro unit.  I then walked the kids through a folder organization/clean-out process.  (Sort your papers into these categories for future use to make your life easier:  Basic Class Stuff, Current Unit (the new one we begin today), Claim & Evidence, Context & Lens, Research, Socratic, Writing, & Final Exam (UCWPs).  In some hours we began our new unit "Exploration and Colonization" by setting up our E.Q. and C.Q. pages.  (The E.Q. is "What is colonization?")  We defined the basic definition together on the papers to get that covered and to be ready, then to focus on collecting answers that detail what it looked like, felt like, etc. in the American colonial experience as our obvious case study.  The top 8-10 lines of the page after that we marked out as a "Themes" section on our paper, and beneath that where we'll collect our many, many notes of "Evidence."