Friday, September 8, 2017


Homework is due today -- collaborate with your group about the most interesting piece of info you found, what themes you've got emerging in your "themes" section of your notes, and to get clarity on any content that you feel uncertain about.  The new homework due next Friday is reading and notes over pp.64-97.  Reminder -- the Claim & Evidence over your choice of essays in the red book is due by the end of the day today -- see me in Advisory if needed.  We prepared for the Socratic discussion we'll have in class on Tuesday -- see the Socratic Score Sheet and the Socratic Cheats page in Google Classroom ("About" section).  To prep for our next activity, students took some basic list notes via SMARTboard about a few of the Native American cultures in the NE U.S.  We then took E.Q. notes from the documentary "Massacre at Mystic," looking for 4 key topics (1. What was significant about the massacre?  2. What were the colonists' key beliefs that contributed to the conflict?  3. Why was the attack a complete massacre?  4. What is the status of the Pequot in modern times?) -- to be finished in class Monday.  Remember to capture some C.Q.'s along the way...