Monday, April 10, 2017

World History

We finished Bizarre Foods from Friday.  The writing for the empires unit is optional -- check in with me today if you are interested in doing the writing to replace the World Religions writing score.  We revisited out Mental Map Timeline with discussion and added a few more notes on the "Modern Europe" section.  We edited the title of our Empires CQ page to cross out "empires," as we will continue using this same C.Q. page for the remainder of the year.  We set up our "Modern Europe E.Q." page with that heading and with the question: "What was significant about the Renaissance, Reformation, and Exploration?"  We broke down the vocab in the question with much discussion, Q&A as needed, and making clarifying notes onto each of our own papers. Finally, we set up another, separate sheet of paper, "Renaissance Backstory Basic Notes" onto which we took bullet-point notes about cultural advancements in the Islamic empires that will later inform the European Renaissance -- email me and I'll reply with a Google share of the video; watch through 7:30 to catch up for today.