Monday, March 6, 2017

World History

End-of-unit argumentative paragraph (on the essential question) is due today with score sheet.  It should be highlighted to show text structure.  There should also be an unhighlighted copy submitted to  The casual metacognitive writing is also due today.  We spent class time organizing the papers from the current unit by skill for use in future skills repeat performances.  Keep these skills papers, the UCWP (for final exam prep), and the papers your used for the writing (until you receive back the scored writing).  Other in-unit papers may be recycled.  We set up for our new unit of study -- Urban Empires...We visited our Mental Map Timeline for context, set up our E.Q. page "Were urban empires advanced forms of civilization" 2 columns for notes ("+"/yes  and "-"/no).  We then began collaborative work to complete the first page of a work packet and then to break down excerpts from a challenging piece of scholarly writing about empires -- write down quick user-friendly translations of terms as needed directly onto the packets.  You will do a Context & Lens work page individually on this packet; so, do a good job working through the comprehension of the reading materials, making notes where needed, with your group now, ahead of time.