Monday, November 7, 2016

U.S. History

We set up our new C.Q. page and a 2-page E.Q. packet (2 questions this unit!)  See a reliable classmate.  We screened "Dirty Out Back," "Market Houses," "Women in Trades," and "Interpreting African-American History" 4-5-minutes videos from the Colonial Williamsburg website.  (Go to, select "multimedia," then "video," then "video vodcasts."  Add curiosity questions to your C.Q. page while viewing.  (A flavor of daily life in the cities in the late Colonial era...leading toward Revolution.)  We then jumped to the big, philosophical picture with a Claim/Evidence analysis work page ("circles") for a Crash Course video about the U.S. Revolution -- to be continued in class tomorrow.  (If you were absent, see me to schedule a time to make up the video work.)