Tuesday, November 1, 2016

U.S. History

Argumentative paragraphs to answer the essential question are due today -- highlighted for text structure and with score sheet stapled to the front.  The paragraph should also be submitted already to turnitin.com (unhighlighted).  The metacognitive writing (see 1/2-sheet instructions) is due tomorrow.  Students completed a self-assessment in red ink/pencil/marker on their Skills Breakdown page, updating it from when we last self-assessed at the end of the last unit.  Folder cleanout!  Take all of your "Current Unit" papers and sort them out by skill.  We began structured review of the Unit-Closure Work Packet (parts 1 through 4; focusing on 1 today)....to review and also to check (and edit) where needed.  (This packet serves as a sizeable portion of the final exam.)  More review tomorrow!