Tuesday, August 30, 2016

World History

Finish editing the Crubaugh circles page as needed.  Break down the Laing poem on a new "circles" page (collaborate in groups).  Collaborate, then, some more specifically to pull answers to our Essential Question from those two "circles" work pages onto your "E.Q." page.  Add more answers (big themes and evidence) from scene 5 from the animated film "Over The Hedge" and scene 14 from the animated film "Pocahontas."    In 5th hour we also added EQ notes while listening to a read-aloud "A Perspective Worth Pondering" (see me during Advisory).  On a new sheet of notebook paper we made 2-3 observations of each photo in my 10-slide file "Material World," and then collaborated to add more EQ notes based on those observations.  (In 3rd hour we'll get caught up with those items tomorrow...picture day left us a bit behind in morning classes.)