Monday, May 16, 2016

World History

Writing is due!  E.Q. writing should be submitted in hard-copy form, highlighted according to the instructions we've used all semester, and also submitted to  E.Q. writers should then complete and turn in their "What I Have Learned" metacognitive, casual writing assignment by the end of the week.  Students who did not opt to do the E.Q. writing should have their "What I Have Learned" writing ready to turn in today.  We did a 4-minute Layering-to-Today segment spring-boarding from our studies of the Haitian Revolution and current struggles to a view of Haiti through Haitians' eyes (  I provided the handout "Mental Map Timeline" for U.S. History for students to see how our studies this year of World History dovetail with the junior-level course.  We set up a "Conclusion" page with this essential question:  What does it mean to be human?  We then discussed the basics of Wangari Maathai's story with the aid of the posters on display in the front of the room...she's linked in the right column of this blog....It connects to our studies of ancient agri-cultures!  We viewed Crash Course Decolonization while recording on our "Conclusion" page the clear, multi-part thesis of the episode -- contest for the most accurate thesis...prizes!  (In 3rd hour this video will be finished in class tomorrow.)