Wednesday, April 20, 2016

World History

The scored "Engineering and Empire: Persia" A/V Claim/Evidence work pages were returned and students were asked to edit their pages according to the answer key on the SMARTboard.  We then did the same with the "An American Empire" Reading Claim/Evidence work pages.  The unscored work pages for "The Reformation" article were redistributed to the students so they could discern their individual choice to have it scored to replace the "An American Empire" work page or to keep this second one as an info source in their folders, but not have it scored.  (Thinking about our own thinking!)  Students collaborated in their seating groups to add notes to their E.Q. pages about the Reformation.  We then began our work on the subtopic of "Exploration" by working on a flowchart handout, adding E.Q. notes and CQs to those two pages, and completing an exit slip at the end of class -- for the documentary by scholar Jared Diamond, "Guns, Germs, and Steel."  This is available on You tube...In 3rd hour we viewed through 15:12, and in 7th hour through 9:24.