Thursday, April 14, 2016

U.S. History

Time was given for the students to make progress on and/or finish the Unit-Closure Work Page, which will aid in the writing as well as serve as a significant portion of the final exam study guide.  Finish this for homework as needed.  The end-of-unit E.Q. writing for this unit will be optional for those students who completed the writing for the previous, Civil War Era unit.  If a student wants this writing opportunity to replace the previous score, he/she needs to see me today to sign up, and I will get the instructions to them tomorrow.  (Students who did not do the previous writing, and thus, have a zero for writing are required to complete this new writing task.)  We began our new unit, "Global Issues Come Home" by setting up new Essential Question (E.Q.) and Curiosity Questions (C.Q.) pages.  We took notes onto the bottom half of the E.Q. page while viewing "Crash Course #30."  The top 1/2 of the E.Q. page is reserved as our "themes" section in which you should occasionally reflect and see what big ideas, overarching themes are coming to mind that you might later use in your thesis for the end-of-unit (E.Q.) writing.