Friday, February 12, 2016


Exit slips were returned and the random film-related curiosities discussed.  The Lincoln context/lens work was returned for discussion and editing.  We read a short article about Mary Todd Lincoln and discussed the thesis and core ideas and perspectives with regard to Mary Todd as a case study of gender issues in that era.  (See me to borrow that article and then me or a classmate to check your understanding of the key points.)  Students spent time adding to their notes or E.Q. page anything from the items in our Lincolns case study that will be using in the E.Q. writing.  Students then discussed the reading notes from text pages 438-466.  The last at-home reading assignment for this unit is pp.467-493 -- due by the start of class Wednesday.  As for in-class work, we started an essay analysis (Claim/Evidence -- "circles page") for the last essay in our second text: "The Black Experience."  This will be continued in class on Tuesday.