Tuesday, January 5, 2016


The final exam study guide was provided and discussed.  We used the test-taking tips on it to take the 10-question practice quiz -- answers to be discussed after we retake the practice quiz at the end of tomorrow (after we've studied the content of UCWP for unit 1).  We discussed the types of questions on the test (and practice quiz) according to the levels of Bloom's taxonomy (lower-level "remembering" and mid-level "understanding" and "applying" -- most questions are of the 2nd, more challenging type.  So, when you begin to study, FIRST ask yourself if you UNDERSTAND everything in the notes, and see classmates or Mrs. Cluver for clarification and explanation where needed.  THEN, the repetition of study strategies for memorizing comes next.  Students signed up for a study strategy, and then they were sectioned into corresponding study zones in the classroom to focus on the unit 1 UCWP (Exploration & Colonization).  See me or a reliable classmate for info about those study techniques listed and for help in choosing when needed.  We also discussed how to know when you're "done" studying (see me).  For homework -- spend a FOCUSED 20 minutes studying per your chosen strategy/ies that UCWP for unit 1.