Friday, December 4, 2015


Follow-up discussion -- some of my additions and commentary and suggestions for CQ research based on what I heard asked during student discussion yesterday -- see a reliable classmate to catch up with this chat and for the added notes.  We viewed some images of the actress who portrayed Patsy -- in character and as herself and discussed the superficial impression we get of people based on appearances and how often appearances are dictated by external circumstances.  A handout with two quotes about "hate" were distributed and discussed, and a note about "cognitive dissonance" made and discussed, also.  We began work on the Declaration of Independence -- on a separate sheet of paper, note the core argument made by the writers, indicate the TYPES of evidence used, and then note YOUR personal favorite line or phrase in the document -- to be continued in class Monday.  We also viewed a video clip (email me so I can reply with the link) about the Declaration and added to our EQ page from it.  (See a reliable classmate for the 2 notes I added for the E.Q. about the document.)