Friday, September 11, 2015

World History

I presented a "moment of silence" slideshow to commemorate the victims of 9-11 and to challenge us to live our value of freedom by respecting all of our fellow Americans. Students shared the most interesting piece of their research and source credentials with the class, self-scored their performance, and charted "9/11 Practice" on their Skills Tracking page for "Research."  We then began work on the end-of-unit writing assessment -- about the Essential Question.  We first completed a work page about paragraph structure for argumentative paragraphs, critiqued two sample paragraphs for quality (clarity), and discussed in depth how to write to an effective (high-scoring) thesis statement.  To begin the actual writing, read over your list of answers on your E.Q. page and consider carefully what key points you feel best answer the question.  Select two (2) or three (3).  We'll continue with this work in class on Monday.