Tuesday, September 1, 2015

World History

We discussed students' observations of the four classroom posters.  We added a few notes to our Mental Map Timeline (copy from a reliable classmate), and discussed it relative to the error on the Minions poster.  We set up an "Intro Curiosity Questions" page (giving it that heading), and writing onto it the four questions you came up with from the posters yesterday.  Keep this C.Q. page, as we'll use it all unit.  We also set up an "Intro Essential Questions" page (giving it that heading) on which we then wrote the current E.Q.: "What does it mean to be human?"  We will come back to the E.Q. page right after we work with some readings.... Do a close-read (read multiple times, look up terms as needed, etc.) on the letter from Dr. Crubaugh while completing the Claim/Evience work page (page with the square and evidence circles) -- finish for homework as needed.