Friday, September 25, 2015


Students shared their research, orally, with the class; then, they self-scored and recorded a "practice" on their Skills Tracking Page.  I shared one last "Layering-to-Later" for brief discussion -- a picture of the President and First Lady in 2013 standing in the "Door of No Return" at a slave fort in Senegal....politics aside, we are analyzing this HISTORICALLY...see me or a reliable classmate to catch up on that short discussion.  We then prepared to do our end-of-unit assessment -- the argumentative writing (paragraph).  First, complete the "Target" work page and see me or a reliable classmate for the discussion about it.  The Argumentative Writing Score Sheet (grading criteria) was provided -- read over it.  Then, pick up the "Prepping to Write" work page -- to be completed in class on Monday.