Friday, September 25, 2015


We did some casual follow-up from yesterday's Socratic discussion about slavery, and I shared on the SMARTboard a picture of the President and First Lady in 2013 standing in the "Door of No Return" at a slave fort in Senegal....politics aside, we are analyzing this HISTORICALLY...see me or a reliable classmate to catch up on that short discussion.  For homework -- read in the basic textbook (America: A Concise History) pages 34-48 (getting going into Chapter 2), while recording notes onto the EQ page and curiosities to research onto the CQ page.  In class, we then began analytical work from more articles in our Portrait of America text...Read the short article by Demos while referring back-and-forth to my Claim/Evidence analysis answer key -- to capture the content by reading and to reinforce the Claim/Evidence work process.  Finally, our next in-class work is to read the Treckel article while completing our own (individual work!) Claim/Evidence work page -- to be continued in class on Monday.