Friday, May 8, 2015


We did the following while adding to our EQ page:  viewed a video clip from You tube by Hari Kondbalu ""2042," read an editorial cartoon about race, read the article "As American As Apple Pie," watched the Lisa Kudrow clip from You tube (from the show "Scandal") in which she is interviewed as a presidential contender, and took notes about "the gender movie test."  See youtube, the back bin of articles, and a reliable classmate to catch up on these various activities.  You will receive your scored argumentative writing next week, at which point you will decide whether to hold with that score of if you wish to opt to write on the inequity EQ as a replacement score.  Next week we will embark on our capstone activity -- analyzing the film "Gran Torino."  A prep guide was provided today and the assignment give to create a "cheat sheet" with clear, detailed definitions for the key concepts noted on that page.  Leave ample space for each concept, as our focus on Monday will be to create accurate, clear, and detailed examples (several) for each concept.  Tuesday we begin the analysis.