Friday, February 13, 2015

U.S. History

We viewed the Sojourner Truth "Ain't I a Woman" speech via You Tube three more times (as enacted by Alfre Woodard) to complete a claim/evidence work page.  The first time -- focus on capturing the "contradictory evidence" onto the bottom-right of the work page -- those items Truth notes as claimed by other people that she will then argue against.  Also, capture a "starter thesis" in the central box.  Upon the second viewing, confirm the completeness and accuracy of the contradictory evidence and capture a lot of evidence into the "evidence circles," organizing it with like items together.  Upon the third viewing, capture more evidence and contemplate your organization of it, labeling each sphere with it's own theme.  Finally, after viewing, review the evidence and themes and edit the central claim/thesis so that it is (1) accurate, and (2) detailed/nuanced/specific.  (Hint:  to say "Women should have equal rights" is a good starter thesis, but is not detailed enough to be the final thesis/claim for the work page -- it misses some things found in the evidence that need to be included.)  Students turned in this page today; if you were absent -- please turn it in on Tuesday.