U.S. His. Curr. Outline

U.S. History
Unit Content Outline

What is History and What do Historians Do?
Reconnecting Our Revolution to Our Global Context

Exploration & Colonization
Exploration, the Columbian Exchange, and Cross-cultural Contact
Colonies -- Daily Life and Practical and Political Aims
Native American Diversity and Models of Democracy
African Slavery Introduced

A New Republic
Causative Factors of the Declaration of Independence
Revolutionary War
Political Battles in Creating a Representative Government
Federalists and Republicans
Ideals versus Policy
Slavery, Free Blacks, and Racial Inequality
Industrial Culture and The Middle Class
Indian Removal Act and The Trail of Tears

Civil War Era
The Abolition Movement
Causative Factors of the Declarations of Secession
The Confederacy
The Union
Increased Federalism & Industrialization
Manifest Destiny
The Long Road to Emancipation
Reconstruction and Its Early Abandonment

Turn of the Century
Industrial Boom and Rapid Urbanization
Tidal Wave of Immigration
Cinema’s Reinterpretation of the Civil War, Nativism, and The KKK Resurgence
The Gilded Age and The Progressive Era
Women’s Suffrage
Indian Boarding School Era
The Great Migration

Global Issues Come Home
The Great War
Alliances and the German Kaiser
Increased Federalism
The Great Depression
The Banking System
World War II
Shifts in Political Parties
German and Japanese Imperialism
American Ideals
The Shoah (“Holocaust”) and Precursors and Conditions for Genocide
Internment of Japanese-Americans
The Manhattan Project in the Context of Total War
The G.I. Bill and The Baby Boom

Modern U.S.
The Cold War
A Future-Oriented Society
Civil Rights Movements
Rise of Conservatism and Religiosity
Emphases of the Political Parties
“War on Terror”
Native Americans’ Challenges in the 21st Century
The Technology Shift

Facing The Effects of Globalization